4 | Last Words: Living for the New Day | Rev 21:1-4, 2 Peter 3:8-13 In the past 12 months we have all learnt that to trust in the processes of this world is a futile exercise. But the day of the Lord is coming! In his final words, Raj encourages us all to long for the return of the Lord and live for that day. Also in this series Featured Raj Gupta 4 | Last Words: Living for the New Day | Rev 21:1-4, 2 Peter 3:8-13 Raj Gupta Raj Gupta Raj Gupta 3 | Last Words: The Real Battle | Ephesians 6:10-20 Raj Gupta Raj Gupta Raj Gupta 2 | Last Words: Who was crucified? | Mark 15:6-20, 16:1-8 Raj Gupta Raj Gupta Raj Gupta 1 | Last Words: Who will you serve? | Joshua 24:14-33 Raj Gupta Raj Gupta What’s Next? SermonRaj Gupta21 February 2021Last Words Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 0 Likes