2 | Kingdom Stories (Parables): Love Your Neighbour | Luke 10:21-37 SermonCol Adamson16 July 2023Kingdom Stories (Parables), The Parable of the Lost Son, Luke 15:1-2, Luke 15:11-32, Bible Talk, Sermon
1 | Kingdom Stories (Parables): The Parable of the Lost Son | Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 SermonMike Hastie9 July 2023Kingdom Stories (Parables), The Parable of the Lost Son, Luke 15:1-2, Luke 15:11-32, Bible Talk, Sermon
8 | Devoted: Happily Ever After | Deut 32:1-20, 34:5-12 SermonJarrod Nangle2 July 2023Devoted, Happily Ever After, Deut 32:1-20, 34:5-12, Bible Talk, Sermon
7 | Devoted: Life or Death | Deuteronomy 29:29-30:20 SermonCol Adamson25 June 2023Devoted, Life or Death, Deueronomy 29:29-30:20, Bible Talk, Sermon
6 | Devoted: Various Laws | Deuteronomy 14 SermonMike Hastie18 June 2023Devoted, Various Laws, Deuteronomy 14, Bible Talk, Sermon
5 | Devoted: Trust and Obedience | Deuteronomy 8:11-20, 9:1-14, 25-29 SermonMike Hastie11 June 2023Devoted, Trust and Obedience, Deuteronomy 8:11-20 9:1-14 25-29, Bible Talk, Sermon
4 | Devoted: Shema | Deuteronomy 6 SermonIsaac Shumack4 June 2023Devoted, 10 Commandments, Deuteronomy 5:1-21, Bible Talk, Sermon
3 | Devoted: 10 Commandments | Deuteronomy 5:1-21 SermonMike Hastie28 May 2023Devoted, 10 Commandments, Deuteronomy 5:1-21, Bible Talk, Sermon
2 | Devoted: Obedience | Deuteronomy 4:1-40 SermonCarl Neal21 May 2023Devoted, Obedience, Deuteronomy 4:1-40, Bible Talk, Sermon
1 | Devoted: Intro | Deuteronomy 1 SermonMike Hastie14 May 2023Devoted, Introduction, Deuteronomy 1, Bible Talk, Sermon
Compassion Sunday | James 2:5-17 SermonMike Hastie7 May 2023Compassion Sunday, James 2:5-17, Special Events & Guests, Bible Talk
6 | I AM: Vine | John 15:1-17 SermonMike Hastie30 April 2023I AM, Vine, John 15:1-17, Bible Talk, Sermon, I am the true vine
5 | I AM: Light | John 9:1-41 SermonJarrod Nangle23 April 2023I AM, Light, John 9:1-41, Bible Talk, Sermon, I am the light of the world
4 | I AM: Bread | John 6:1-15, 22-40 SermonIsaac Shumack16 April 2023I AM, Bread, John 6:1-15, John 6:22-40, Bible Talk, Sermon
3 | I AM: The Resurrection | John 11:1-44 SermonMike Hastie9 April 2023I AM, The Resurrection, John 11:1-44, Easter Sunday, Bible Talk, Sermon
2 | I AM: The Good Shepherd | John 10:1-18 SermonMike Hastie7 April 2023I AM, The Good Shepherd, John 10:1-18, Good Friday, Bible Talk, Sermon
1 | I AM: Absolute Statements | John 8:30-59 SermonSherwin Titus2 April 2023I AM, Absolute Statements, John 8:30-59, Bible Talk, Sermon
8 | JoyFul: Care | Philippians 4:10-23 SermonMike Hastie26 March 2023JoyFul, Care, Philippians 4:10-23, Bible Talk, Sermon
7 | JoyFul: Joy & Anxiety | Philippians 4:1-9 SermonMike Hastie19 March 2023JoyFul, Joy & Anxiety, Philippians 4:1-9, Bible Talk, Sermon
6 | JoyFul: Press On | Philippians 3:12-21 SermonMike Hastie12 March 2023JoyFul, Philippians 3:12-21, Press On, Sermon, Bible Talk