3 | Sing for Joy: Oh Come, all Ye Faithful | John 1:1-18 | 03/12/23 SermonCarl Neal3 December 2023Sing for Joy, O Come all Ye Faithful, John 1:1-18, Bible Talk, Sermon
2 | Sing for Joy: Hark! The herald angels sing | Luke 2:8-20 | 26/11/23 SermonMike Hastie26 November 2023Sing for Joy, Hark! The herald angels sing, Luke 2:8-20, Bible Talk, Sermon
1 | Sing for Joy: O Come O Come Emmanuel | Isaiah 9:1-7 | 19/11/23 SermonCol Adamson19 November 2023Sing for Joy, O Come O Come Emmanuel, Isaiah 9:1-7, Bible Talk, Sermon
Clive | Jesus, the light of the world | John 7:1-16, 37-44; John 8:12-20 SermonClive12 November 2023Jesus the light of the world, John 7:1-16, John 7:37-44, John 8:12-20, Special Events & Guests
4 | Vision Month 2023: Family | 1 Peter 2:9-10, 4:7-11 | 05/11/23 SermonMike Hastie5 November 2023Vision Month 2023, Family, Membership and Ministry, 1 Peter 2:9-10, 1 Peter 4:7-11, Bible Talk, Sermon
3 | Vision Month 2023: Diverse | Revelation 7:4-12 | 29/10/23 SermonIsaac Shumack29 October 2023Vision Month 2023, Ever Growing, Ephesians 3:7-21, Bible Talk, Sermon
2 | Vision Month 2023: Ever Growing | Ephesians 3:7-21 | 22/10/23 SermonMike Hastie22 October 2023Vision Month 2023, Ever Growing, Ephesians 3:7-21, Bible Talk, Sermon
1 | Vision Month 2023: To the Glory of God | Romans 11:33-12:2 | 15/10/23 SermonMike Hastie15 October 2023Vision Month 2023, To the Glory of God, Romans 11:33-12:2, Bible Talk, Sermon
4 | Titus: Truth That Transforms - Transformed World | Titus 3:1-15 | 08/10/23 SermonCol Adamson8 October 2023Truth That Transforms, Transformed World, Titus 3:1-15, Bible Talk, Sermon
3 | Titus: Truth That Transforms - Transformed Home | Titus 2:1-15 | 01/10/23 SermonJarrod Nangle1 October 2023Truth That Transforms, Transformed Home, Titus 2:1-15, Bible Talk, Sermon
2 | Titus: Truth That Transforms - Transformed Church | Titus 1:5-16 | 24/09/23 SermonCarl Neal24 September 2023Truth That Transforms, Transformed Church, Titus 1:5-16, Bible Talk, Sermon
1 | Titus: Truth That Transforms - Truth that leads to Godliness | Titus 1:1-5 | 17/09/23 SermonMike Hastie17 September 2023Truth That Transforms, Truth that leads to Godliness, Titus 1:1-5, Bible Talk, Sermon
6 | The life of the church: Men and Women | 1 Timothy 2:8-15 | Romans 16:1-6 | 10/09/23 SermonMike Hastie10 September 2023The Life of the Church, Men and Women, 1 Timothy 2:8-15, Romans 16:1-6
5 | The life of the church: Singleness | 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 | 03/09/23 SermonIsaac Shumack3 September 2023The Life of the Church, Singleness, 1 Corinthians 7:25-40, Bible Talk, Sermon
4 | The life of the church: Church as a people practicing perseverance together | 2 Peter 1:1-9 | Galatians 6:1-6 SermonMike Hastie27 August 2023The Life of the Church, John 4:7-29, Romans 12:1-13, Belonging to Christ, Belonging with each other
7 | Kingdom Stories (Parables): Talents and Work | Matthew 25:14-30 | 20/08/23 SermonMike Hastie20 August 2023Kingdom Stories (Parables), Talents and Work, Matthew 25:14-30, Bible Talk, Sermon
6 | Kingdom Stories (Parables): The nature of forgiveness | Matthew 18:21-35 | 13/08/23 SermonJarrod Nangle13 August 2023Kingdom Stories (Parables), The Nature of Forgiveness, Matthew 18:21-35, Bible Talk, Sermon
5 | Kingdom Stories (Parables): The Kingdom of God is like... | Matthew 13:31-35, Matthew 13:44-46 | 10/08/23 SermonIsaac Shumack6 August 2023Kingdom Stories (Parables), The Kingdom of God is like..., Matthew 13:31-35, Matthew 13:44-46, Bible Talk, Sermon
4 | Kingdom Stories (Parables): Our Judgement and God's | Matthew 7:1-5, Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 SermonMike Hastie30 July 2023Kingdom Stories (Parables), Our Judgement and God's, Matthew 7:1-5, Matthew 13:24-30, Matthew 13:36-43, Bible Talk, Sermon
3 | Kingdom Stories (Parables): Pray and Persevere | Luke 11:1-13 SermonCarl Neal23 July 2023Kingdom Stories (Parables), Pray and Persevere, Luke 11:1-13, Bible Talk, Sermon