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A introduction from our lead pastor.

My hope in this series is to teach on discernment and set in motion some practices and some questions for us as a church. 

Why are we doing this? Our vision is simple: Jesus. May we continue to be captivated by him and follow him in unity as a Church. But it is also a good thing to explore together, and especially with many new people among us, get a fresh sense of where God is leading us next.  

Our current vision statement is:

Our vision is to be a diverse, ever-growing church family. The grace of Jesus unites and transforms us to worship God wholeheartedly, love each other deeply and serve our community boldly.

We also use another statement: We are ordinary people encountering the extraordinary God.

At the end of our period of discernment I expect to refresh this. And as part of that clarify areas of focus for us and how we might, under God, get there. 

The goal is not simply producing a strategy document. There is so much to gain in the journey here as we seek God together. And we’re doing more than simply running a strategy and vision workshop.

Here’s my definition:

Discernment is learning to listen to God and see how He sees  
so that we might join in with Him and His people  
in anticipation of the future which Christ has already secured.

I’m going to explore 3 aspects of Christian faith to help us discern: listening, loving and longing. Each of these aspects will bring into focus some practices and some questions. I hope you find these helpful as we continue to seek God together.    

Lord our God, wisdom and might belong to you. 
You have called your church to go and make disciples, 
and proclaim the saving grace of the Lord Jesus. 
We seek your blessing as we discern your will for our church. 

Speak to us through your word and by your Spirit. 
Grant us wisdom and insight as we listen. 
Root and establish us in your love that overflows to others. 
Give us imagination for your kingdom here in Toongabbie and beyond. 
Unite us in purpose as we seek your will.  

We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
the cornerstone of the church, your son, and our saviour.  
— A TAC prayer for discernment

Discernment walk

Part of loving our neighbours and understanding our missional context is being observant and curious. Our area is changing. People are moving in from different parts of Sydney and the world. New houses are being built. New schools being built. There a thriving cultural hubs like Pendle Hill shops.

As part of our discernment we want to take time to walk, pray, observe and interact with our locality. We’ve produced a little resource to help you do this. You can do this around your home or a nearby hub by yourself or with others.


Discernment Workshop

The discernment workshops are designed to reflect on the journey so far and share our sings, stings and hopes about church.




1. Listening to God’s Word

2. Being present with God in quietness (rhythms that cultivate listening)

3. Listening to God in our circumstances

  • Has God given you a verse or a word?

4. Listening to God in His people

5. Respond to what you’ve heard in prayer

6. Respond to what you’ve heard in action


1. What is God saying to you?

2. How have you seen God at work in your life?

3. How have you seen God at work at TAC?

  • Looking for God’s word in action in our history.

  • Do these evidences/behaviours sketch out some of our values?



  • Missional Hospitality (book in our library)

  • No Greater love (book in our library)

  • How to speak about Jesus and not be that guy (book in our library)


  1. Reflect on the love of God in your life

  2. Send a message of encouragement to someone you know is in need

  3. Get to know your literal neighbour!

  4. Prayer walk / Cultural Exegesis (what are you noticing about our local community)

  5. Practice missional hospitality (sharing life and food with others)


  1. Who has God put on your heart / in front of you this week?

  2. How have you seen the love of God at work in yours and others lives?

  3. What makes loving others hard for you?

  4. Who are our neighbours?

  5. Where have we loved our neighbours well?

  6. What would a more multi-cultural church look like for TAC?

  7. How do you feel TAC holds in tension the dimensions of love (upward, inward, outward)?

  8. As you think about TAC holding out the love of Christ to those around us what is on your heart?





  1. Learn to day dream for the kingdom (join your hopes and heaven!)

  2. Be persistent

  3. Be expectant

  4. Grieve disapointments with God (Psalm 13)

  5. Wait upon the Lord (Lamentations 3:22-26)

  6. Explore and taste-test (approve) God’s will (Rom 12:2)


  1. What have you recently been able to test and approve of God’s will (Rom 12:2)?

  2. What has stopped you being bold before God?

  3. What are your hopes for TAC in the next 5 years?

  4. What are your hopes for our community in the next 5 years?


Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire

This assessment will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. It has 5 components: Spiritual Gifts, Heart (Passions), Abilities, Personality, and Experience. Please give yourself sufficient time to complete the test.